Sundays cover image


When & Where

10:00 – 12:00
Brahegatan 11 Göteborg, 415 01

What to expect

A Sunday at Gud Först involves three parts - worship, fika, and Bible teaching.

What to expect

Our values of loving God and loving people we hope will shine through on a Sunday morning.

1015 - doors open.

1030 - the Sunday host will begin the meeting with a short explanation of what is going to happen, before handing over to the worship leader. During worship we fix our eyes on Jesus, and expect God to speak to us and through us. We sing a mixture of English and Swedish songs.

1100 - we break to have fika together. Fika is put in the middle of the meeting for a reason - we value being family together. On a Sunday come, not only to be spiritually fed, but also to enjoy being family.

1130 - kids: they go out to their relevant group. Adults: stay in and listen to a preach from the Bible. We believe all scripture is God breathed and useful for us today - we put a high emphasise on hearing Gods word.

Kids Club

We have 3 groups at Gud Först: crawlers, stompers, and explorers.

Kids Club

Crawlers - 0-1 year olds. If your child is a crawler we provide a soft area at the back of the main hall with a few toys that can be used.

Stompers - 2-5 year olds. We worship with the Explorers. We enjoy reading a story from the Bible, praying and then playing together.

Explorers - 6 and up. We enjoy reading the Bible and seeing God’s big picture from creation until now.

Please note - all of our kids workers have undergone a police check. We take the responsibility of looking after your child seriously.

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